Content & Small Business Marketing Ideas for Christmas 2022


New Christmas business ideas for you. 11 Content marketing ideas to write about. Christmas shopping stats you need to know.

If you’re reading this and it’s still September, don’t get surprised. In fact, people are searching for Christmas marketing and crafts ideas already.

Christmas is an important holiday for everyone who celebrates it and also, for those who get a few days off to meet their loved ones.

It’s a unique mood and the BEST time of the year!

Imagine yourself curled up near the chimney, holding a hot cup of chocolate, and your favorite person in the world is there!
Such a wonderful feeling!

Back to business! Like any other important holiday and event, it’s always better to stay prepared and plan ahead!
Do you have a new business idea? Or maybe, you want to find the best gift for them? We know how Google has every answer, but continue reading for a few solutions we’ve prepared for you.

Christmas ornament on the tree

Today, we’ll cover a few important topics like:

  • New Christmas business ideas for you
  • 11 Marketing ideas for your business
  • 8 Christmas shopping stats you need to know

1. New Business Ideas for Christmas (+ Why)

Besides being an important day to celebrate, Christmas is an opportunity for people to start a new business!

And, we’re here to share our ideas:

  • Christmas Pets Rug! Many pet owners decide to invest in the safety and joy of their pets. And, what’s better than a cute little rug gift?
  • DIY Christmas Candles! We’ve seen small businesses blow up fast because they were niche-specific and creative. So, do that!
  • Design Christmas-themed baby frames! I can already imagine how cute those will look.

NEW: Design online flipbooks with flip effects and audio for your new email marketing campaigns!

2. 11 Marketing Ideas during Chrismas Season

  • Collaborate with UGC Creators: Feel free to reach out. Let’s collaborate together!
  • Create a Gift Guide. Here’s a FREE example we’ve prepared for you.
  • Go behind the scene
  • Support a local business. Share their Business information or a product/service they provide. Click to learn more about local businesses.
  • Take a trip and record the entire thing: time to start your TikTok journey!
  • Design your website: Make it ALL RED
  • Launch a brand new Christmas product. Find what’s trending!
  • Transform your business: cook Christmas-themed dishes; prepare Christmas-themed drinks etc.
  • Offer discounts and FREE items!
  • Share and promote your traditions! Where are you located? We’d love to know how you celebrate Christmas!
  • Reveal a few holiday flashbacks: milestones, new employees, top-sold products, etc.

Learn more: 9 Upselling Techniques To Increase Sales

3. Eight Christmas Shopping Stats You Need to Know

Christmas mood red candle on a wooden table
Photo by Mariana B. on Unsplash

Note: All stats you will find below have their OWN respective source of information attached. None of the stats is from our research.

  • 85% of the respondents stated that they were going to celebrate Christmas in 2021. (statista.com)
  • In 2020, shoppers in the U.S. spent $789.4 billion. (nrf.com)
  • In 2020, shoppers in the UK spent £24.2 billion. (finder.com)
  • 25-34 year-olds spent 31% less money on Christmas in 2021. (muchneeded.com)
  • 47.4% of women want to get jewelry, and 32.3% of men want gift vouchers for Christmas. (fortunly.com)
  • More than 60% of people in the U.S.A prefer to buy their holiday gifts online. (fortunly.com)
  • 62% of Americans buy their gifts in the week before Christmas. (fortunly.com)

And my personal favorite: 51% of Christmas shoppers buy gifts for themselves, too! (fortunly.com)

Read more:

5 Canva Elements for Your 2023 Strategy

Genius Content Repurposing Ideas for More Traffic

What are Holiday Gift Guides? FREE Templates & PDF Included

Quick Guide to UGC Marketing (+Stats)

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