3 Lazy Ways To Avoid Social Media Slowdown


Learn 3 important ways to avoid the social media slowdown for your small business.

Are you worried about the slowdown in your social media presence? That’s normal, but, we’re here to help you avoid it.

It usually happens during summer, but, let’s not forget about the school season, winter vacays, etc.

laptop, notebook, and a pen on a sunbed at the beach
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

We have a few quick tricks for you to avoid any kind of slowdown on your socials.

Stay current with Social Media Holidays

social media design 3D look
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Social Media Holidays are an amazing way to stay active and creative on social networks. They come in different versions, providing a range of options to choose from and having a bit of fun.

While not all social media holidays are relevant to your niche, you need to stay aware of never missing an important one.

Let’s suppose you are a bakery in a small town and there’s a day called: National Cake Day. What you can do is prepare a fun social media post or prepare a special cake on sale for that day only!

But, why is it important to do that? Here are a few potential answers to your question:

  • Build trust! People believe in brands that take their efforts to another level.
  • Boost visibility. By using a proper hashtag, i.e #NationalCakeDay, your brand/post will be seen by many other people who are celebrating the same day or are simply interested in that.
  • Besides having new social media content to share, you now have a story! You can repurpose that idea/post into a blog article, YouTube video, or email campaign!

Repurpose old content

boy recording himself at the beach
Photo by AQVIEWS on Unsplash

Nothing compares to smart evergreen content. Recyclable content is the one that never gets outdated, isn’t trend/season-sensitive, and can be shared anywhere and anytime.

But, we know something better than just that.

Recycling is better if repurposed.

Content repurposing is the process of transforming one form into another. Let’s suppose you have a blog article about the top tips to leverage your product. You can recreate several other social media post types (YouTube videos; email campaigns; TikToks; etc.) with that piece of information.

Smart, right?

But, seriously, why should you consider it?

This is a smart way to stay away from any search engine penalties! Also, your best-performing content gets organically reaches more people leading to sharing a message and important information to the right audience.

a home office desk that contains a laptop, smartphone, notebooks, eyeglasses
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Here are a few more examples:

  • Repurpose YouTube videos into TikTok ideas, tips, and tricks.
  • Turn Guest Posts into podcasts (invite them, again).
  • Turn feedback into Instagram posts and tweets.
  • Repurpose statistics into a downloadable PDF.

According to searchengineland.com, somewhere between 25% to 30% of the content on the web is duplicative.

That’s exactly what we encourage you to do. This is how you save time to produce content and fill the social media calendar fast.

Schedule your content in advance

If you have read my other posts, you know how big of a fan I am for staying organized, although I am the best one, yet.

But, a girl has got to dream and make the most of them.

I would highly recommend you stay on top of your marketing game by helping yourself out and actually creating, designing, and scheduling everything beforehand to free up some time.

This is why, among all other social media tools, I use Publer.

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Publer is my go-to when I have a huge work overload and need to put everything into its own place. Except for creating and scheduling, which are basic enough for a social media scheduler, I use Publer to analyze posts and automate cross-promotion.

So, if I’m too lazy to create new content and customize it for each social network, I might as well auto-share a Facebook post on Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, etc.

This is what I call: a time-saving superhero!

Here’s how Publer allows me to avoid the social media slowdown for my clients:

  • I use the correct demographic insights to understand which is the right audience to target, without wasting my time.
  • As I mentioned above, I can cross-share and promote content across all socials, with a click.
  • I can easily collaborate with my clients and other team members (freelancers) if needed by assigning roles and creating Drafts.
  • I can quickly find and use trending hashtags with their built-in tool that works for text, visuals, and links.
  • Publer allows me to recharge! Yes, preparing my social media content ahead of time helps me reconnect with myself and actually enjoy everything else!

Reach out to us!

Here’s a strategy you didn’t think of before: reach out to our Creative Digital Marketing Agency for some thumb-stopping content!

We’re always staying alert to the latest trends and we’ve seen multiple brands go viral quickly.

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